Why I Blog

Blogging {How I Started and Why I’m Here}

Like I’ve mentioned before, I’ve been blogging about 10 years now.
My friend Camille started a blog when we were 14, and a few of our friends, myself included, followed suit.
Then my junior year of high school, my honors English teacher (Mr. Rich) gave us an assignment to start a blog and post
weekly (ANALYZE! was his big thing). 
I started another, personal blog my freshman year of college, and I posted fairly regularly on that until I got married in 2010,
and I started a family blog.
I’ve been posting on that family blog ever since, and I’ve also had a handful of private, journal type blogs as well. 
So, why start this blog?

I’ve actually been toying around with the idea of starting a lifestyle blog for about a year.
It seemed appealing to me, but in order to do that I wanted to start a completely new blog, not just transform my current one.
I wanted a clean slate.
And the act of actually creating a new blog held me back for some reason.

But now seems as good as any to take that leap and see what happens.

And I”ll be honest with you:
I’m not that crafty, I don’t do web design, I don’t have a fancy camera or have photoshop.
I don’t have a lot of money to buy clothes, but I do like to think I can put together a cute outfit.
I don’t love to cook, but I have some trusty recipes up my sleeve.

And I love my little family, and we love to do fun things together.
I love to write, and I want my voice to be heard.
I love people, and I want to make some new friends through blogging.

So that is why I’m here, and I hope that some of you will come along for the ride.

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