Stream of Consciousness

A Stream of Consciousness Post

I’ve been thinking lately. I’m still trying to make this little corner of the internet ME. I want to be successful, but I also want to be true to myself. I’ve been struggling with what to post, and how to get it out there. Like I’ve mentioned before – I am not a graphic design whiz. I’m pretty limited at what I can do. And sometimes that makes me feel like I can’t be a successful blogger. But I know that’s not true. And today, I’m going to blog whatever is on my mind. What I am thinking, right now. And after I’m done, I may or may not look over it for spelling errors, and then I’m going to post. Whatever might come out of my mouth {fingers}, I’ll post.

Lately I’ve been thinking about self-esteem and self-image. I’ve had lots of friends talk about how they don’t like how they look, and have never felt like they were beautiful or pretty. Some have struggled with eating disorders, or other mental health disorders.This boggles my mind – not the mental health disorders, never those, but the general “I’ve never loved myself” talk. I’ve never had those thoughts. Sure, I’ve had “ugly” days and “bad hair” days, and currently my weight is not where I want it to be – but I still think I’m pretty. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I think I have a pretty face. This is not me trying to brag, or boast. But it is something I’ve been thinking about. We are all beautiful, we are all daughters of God. I wish you could all remember your worth.

And let’s get real. I spend most of my days in basketball shorts or leggings, with spit-up on my shirt, and my hair in a ponytail. My life is glamorous. But I love it. I may not be important to many people, but I am important to my son, and my husband. I spend my days feeding, changing and playing with my {almost} four month old baby boy. I am a mommy and a wife, and that is the best job there is. We may have our struggles, but we have a great life and we are so blessed. I love my life.

It’s the little things – like the smile Abe gives me when I pick him up from a nap. The way he fits against my body as I feed him and snuggle him. The feeling I get when I see Kyle after he’s put in a 12 hour work day. He comes home to me, and he loves me.These are my people. And I love them.


I had more to say, but my boy woke up from his nap and I can’t remember what else there was in this brain of mine. So here goes. Let’s post this puppy.

PS, I’m super bummed I forgot about this weeks The Creative Closet link up. Good thing there’s next week!

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