Our Home

Tour Through Blogland

I’m so excited to be sharing a little glimpse into my home with you 🙂 It’s not the most stylishly decorated (still boasting those hand-me-downs!) but it’s cozy and it’s home. Last year when we were looking for a place, I had a few “must-haves” – including 3 bedrooms, a dishwasher, and a washer and dryer. We were moving from a small, 2-bedroom basement apartment with, you guessed it, no dishwasher and no washer and dryer. We had survived the last 2 years by handwashing dishes and lots of trips to the laundromat. Needless to say, we were more than ready to have those amenities back in our lives. When we found this place, we were sold! It’s a duplex/townhome with 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and a single car garage. Perfect 🙂

Here’s our living room. It’s the room we spend the most time in. Once upon a time our coffee table was in front of our long couch (on the left) but Abe now uses that space to roll around, so the table was pushed in front of our fireplace.

This is probably the corner of the house that I’m most proud of, decorating wise. A big canvas print from our wedding, The Family Proclamation, a picture of Christ, our most recent family picture, and a few other odds and ends that I love. 
I’m not sharing a picture of our kitchen or dining area — mostly because it is pretty unextraordinary — and because it’s a bit messy right now 🙂 {I may or may not have clogged our kitchen sink last night by putting too many potato peels down the disposal… Oops.}

This is my blogging space. It’s in our office/guest room. Not pictured in this room is a bookcase that houses many books, a futon, and all my craft stuffs in the closet. Kyle’s had this desk since he turned…. 16? I think. I personally don’t like the natural wood color, but it has a lot of space and works great for what we need. Maybe one day I’ll be able to convince him to re-paint/re-finish it for me 🙂

Our bedroom isn’t too exciting, but I thought I’d give you a little peak anyway. I would love to have a nice headboard someday. Either a dark brown wood finish, or white. I’d also looking forward to being able to paint our room when we have our own house.

And a peek into one of my favorite parts of the house… My walk-in closet! This was an added bonus to this house and I was not sorry about it. {Can you tell I love neutrals?} And it’s a big step up from the tiny closet we had in our last apartment — and don’t worry, Kyle has his own closet, too.

Here’s a peek of Abe’s room. If I could paint the walls here I would have painted them a light gray, I think. He also has a white dresser and a white rocker with navy blue cushions.

And a close up of above his crib. I bought the A and frame and painted them, and the print of the Abaham Lincoln quote was made for me by my great friend, Chelsea! {She blogs over at Life with My Littles, and you should definitely check it out!} Abe is partially named after Abraham Lincoln, and that quote is part of a longer quote of his that I love. I knew I had to have it in his room!

So that’s our home. I have a dream of having all matching furniture one day 🙂 But for now, this is a wonderful place to live. We are so lucky to have been able to find a rental that fit all of our needs.

And now, to nominate a few bloggers to share their spaces! I hope you’ll check them out!

S’mbrosia over at From Kansas to Kenya with Love. S’ambrosia blogs about her life in Kenya with her husband and it’s so fun to read about!

Kayla is adorable and blogs over at Mississippi Mrs. Her blog is super cute and I’m excited to get to know better.

Taylor over at Life in the Lost and Found Bin. She blogs about her life in college and things she’s learning along the way.

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