I’ve written like a million drafts of this post — in my head, on paper, typed out, and I just can’t seem to get it right. I want to share my resolutions and goals and visions with you, but every effort feels so menial and insincere. I have goals and plans for this year, oh yes, I do. I have dreams and resolutions and things I want to get done. I’m the kind who is always making plans and goals. I’m not of the “resolutions set you up for failure” camp. I don’t believe that at all. I think resolutions set you up for success, and even if you don’t accomplish them, or they peter out, you still made them, you still tried, and you can still try again, no matter what. I struggle each year with choosing how to go about setting my resolutions, though. Do I choose a theme, or a word, or just make general goals, or make them by topic, or do them monthly…. Etc., etc. I can’t commit to one, but to do multiple seems too many.Too many goals lead me to being scattered and overwhelmed, but too few makes me feel unaccomplished and incomplete. Balance is the key, but I haven’t found that key yet.
While pondering this year, and all the things that are in my heart, two words kept speaking to me, and so, I’ll be keeping them close to me this year. Those two words are these: Engage Intentionally.
Spiritually… this will look like having intentional scripture study during the week, engaging in a relationship with my Father in Heaven and my brother, Jesus Christ. Building an intentional and purposeful relationship with them. I will also be intentional about planning my weekly lessons, and praying to engage and create meaningful relationships with the girls I mentor and teach. It will also be intentionally creating time to attend the Temple and while I am there, being an active participant and engaging and internalizing the lessons that are taught.
Physically… this will look like me engaging in daily exercise and intentionally feeding my body healthy foods. Intentionally training for a 5k and engaging in the running of it. Becoming strong, and healthy, and whole. Being intentional about how much water I drink a day, and engaging in healthy habits and unengaging in the unhealthy ones.
At home… this will look like me intentionally creating and sticking to a cleaning plan, so that my husband and baby have a safe, clean place to call home. Intentionally planning meals, and engaging with my husband over dinner, choosing to talk over binge-watching shows on Netflix. Choosing to visit and engage in meaningful relationships with friends over taking a nap.
On the blog… this will look like intentionally planning posts with a purpose, ones I feel proud to share. Engaging with my readers and my blogging community, intentionally seeking all that is good. I want to continue creating an intentional brand for myself, and make it something I am proud of.
All these things and more — these are my goals, my resolutions. To be intentional, to engage in meaningful relationships, to give more of myself, to share the light of Christ with others. Whatever I do, as long as it is wholesome and good, and if I engage in that activity intentionally, I will be successful, I will be becoming who I’d like to be. And you can’t ask for more than that.