Blogger Men Tell All, Link Up

Blogger Men Tell All | January

It’s been a while since I’ve joined up for the Blogger Men Tell All link up (the holidays, cough) but I’m so excited to be linking up today! Does my guy sound like yours in any way? Let me know below! (Previous post here.)

Picture taken the night before we got engaged — September 12, 2009.

1. What is your favorite memory with your blogger?

I’ll pick one that is G rated 🙂  umm… probably bringing Abe home from the hospital. I remember being really overwhelmed and excited at the same time. Like, I’m not really sure we are qualified to do this, kind of feeling. I also remember being very proud of Britt and knowing that she would be an awesome mother. I picked a winner!

2. What is her best quality?
I’d say her ability to love others. Also her ability to stay positive. She has had to go through a lot of difficult things in her life and she is very resilient. She is almost always happy and focused on doing nice things for others. I love that we enjoy doing things for others. It makes life more meaningful.

3. What is something the two of you enjoy doing together?
Camping. I’m not very good at focusing on one thing so I really enjoy getting away from things for a while to focus on just being together. I really love to spend time with Britt where there isn’t any cell coverage. I love traveling and doing fun and new things with her.

4. What is your favorite post of hers that she has ever written?
That’s way too hard to pick. Seriously? That’s a mean question. This one because those things are delicious!
5. How much time do you think your blogger puts into blogging each week? (And what are you normally up to when she’s blogging?)
10 hours? Maybe 15. Possibly more, I’m at work. Honestly, I’m not the biggest fan of the whole blogging thing or the internet in general, but Britt loves it and it makes her happy. My hobbies (BYU sports mostly) don’t really add much to my life or anyone else’s so I’ve got no room to criticize. I do think that sporting events can be fun family activities as long as I don’t get too wrapped up in the outcome…It’s all about balance.

blogger men tell all

 photo Britt3-1.png

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