I love Easter. I love this time of year. I love the promise of birth, and re-birth and all things becoming renewed. I love the time I am able to ponder and reflect on Christ’s sacrifice. What it means to me and for me.
Christ went through the unspeakable, the indescribable, the unfathomable. For me. For you. For all of us. The very thought of that burns my soul and fills me with gratitude. Because of His sacrifice, I can repent and come unto Him and be made clean and live forever. Because of His sacrifice I am never truly alone.
And not only did Christ suffer and bleed and lay down His life for me.
He rose again.
He took back up His life, so that I might also do that. So that I might live forever, with Him and my family. What a blessing. A blessing beyond any that I could ever imagine or hope for.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ gives me such great hope. Such great joy. I hope it gives you that, too.
If you’re looking for a good read (or devotional) all about Christ and His last week on earth, His Atonement and His resurrection, I recommend On Calvary’s Hill by Max Lucado. The chapters are short, but powerful. I’ve been enjoying reading them slowly, pondering them, reading the scriptural account alongside and really trying to understand what the Atonement and Resurrection mean to me personally.
I received free product from Family Christian in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.