First, a confession. I didn’t finish the Winter Book Challenge… But only by two books. And to be fair, since it started I’ve read 14 books that weren’t part of the challenge PLUS the 11 that were. So over all, two thumbs way, way up for the books I’ve read in the last 4 months.
3 stars. This was another fun read by Dan Brown. Not my favorite of his, but entertaining. The first half of this book Kyle and I listened to on our road trip down to Poky in January, and then, since we didn’t finish the audio version, we picked up the print version at the library to finish. It seemed like there was more background given in this book than some of Dan Brown’s other novels, but maybe it’s because we were forced to listen to it and we usually skip over those parts when we read… Who knows? Haha.
3 stars. I know this is a classic. And to be honest, I expected to be blown away and love this book. But I didn’t. What I did love? The end scene. It was beautiful.
Ok, so I’m cheating because I’m not quite done with this book yet. But I already made the graphic so I’m including it anyway and will come back and update it when I finish the book today or tomorrow đŸ™‚
Y’all. This book was CRAZY. Jodi’s books usually have some sort of weird plot twist at the end but holy crap this one was not expected at all and I nearly died at the end. OMG.
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.