I’m probably what you would call an over-sharer. As in, if I meet you and decide I like you, within a few minutes you could be getting my entire life history. I’m prefacing this post with this little disclaimer, because you might get more than you bargained for in way of pregnancy updates. I do this for me, but I also do this for anyone out there who is like me and wants to know all the things. However, that being said… I’m not going to bombard you with pregnancy posts. I’m trying to decide if I want to posts updates bi-weekly or once a month. I’m not sure yet. I guess we will see how motivated I am.
Anyway! Thank you so much for your comments on the blog, instagram, facebook, and twitter! You guys are the best, and it makes our excitement that much bigger when we knows our friends and family are excited for us, too!
This pregnancy came as a bit of a shock, although not wholly unplanned. You see, it took us 12 months to get pregnant with Abe, so we were not expecting anything to happen quick this time around. On talking to each other about when we should start trying for the next one, we both felt like we didn’t want our kids any closer than 18 months, so we would stop preventing when that would be the soonest we would have a baby, and then go from there, and if took longer again, that was fine too, because we started fairly early. So, I went off BC the very beginning of January… And two months later, there came a big, fat positive. Woah.
Here’s the story: I was a few days late. And I was tired. Extreme fatigue was my first symptom with Abe, too, but I wasn’t sure…. Maybe my period was just being wonky because my body was still adjusting to being off BC. But I bought a pregnancy test, and late on March 5 I told Kyle I was going to go take it, just to see. And that second line appeared practically before I put the test down on the counter. So I ran downstairs to tell Kyle and said, “I’m totally pregnant.” To which he said, “You’re joking. You’re not joking. You mean you looked at it without me again???” (I totally took the pregnancy test that told us Abe was coming while he was at work and then I told him over the phone…. Oops.) And then I took another pregnancy test the next morning to confirm. Yep. Same thing, that second line popped up like it was nothin’.
I’ve had 2 appointments so far, and have been spoiled with an ultrasound at each one. It’s routine for my OB to do one at the first appointment, to check measurements and see the heartbeat, etc., and I got one this week too because she couldn’t find the heartbeat with just the doppler. Apparently my placenta was in the way of the tiny babe 🙂
I’ve been nauseous-ish and congested (curse you, pregnancy rhinitis and post-nasal drip) and have had no energy or appetite and the boobs have grown. But slowlyyyyy my energy is starting to pick up and I’m starting to feel “normal” again.
We are so excited! Yes, it will be a bit crazy moving 8 hours away at 22 weeks pregnant.. But we’ll survive. Our little ones will be 19 months apart, which I know will keep us on our toes, but I’m excited that they will be close in age and will (hopefully) be best friends.
Thanks again for all your kind words! They mean the world to us!
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.