
Just a Little Update

Even though I’m over my first trimester sickness and fatigue, I’ve still been shying away from this space of mine. Not because I don’t have any content ideas or because I’m tired, but I’ve just been focusing on other things in my life — prioritizing “real life” over “blog life” if you will. I have so much in my head that I want to get written out and share with you, but it’s just not going to happen right now. But I still want to stay a part of this community, and share with you what’s going on in our lives. So today, you get a bulleted post of what things we are currently up to (or have been up to recently). 

+ We are under contract for a house. (EEK!) Three weekends ago, Kyle, Abe and I drove down to Pocatello in order to look at houses, and we found a great one. Once we close (and move) I’ll share more about it! We then drove down to Salt Lake and stayed with Kyle’s parents for a couple of nights before we drove home on Memorial Day. It was a long, but good weekend. (For those of you that don’t know, the drive from where we currently live to Pocatello is about 8 hours, and the drive from Pocatello to Salt Lake is another 2.5). 

+ That next weekend (May 30) Abe and I flew to Utah for my best friend’s sealing. We were able to spend time with my in-laws, my mom and sister, and Dani and her husband Denny (and her family). I am so glad I could be there for her!

The only picture I took the whole weekend… We were having too much fun!

+ Abe and I flew back into town last Wednesday, and Thursday K and I packed up the car to go camping at Priest Lake for the weekend. We’ve been planning this camping trip since February and it did not disappoint! We camped on the beach of a mountain lake and spent time just sitting on the beach, kayaking and playing in the sand. Pure perfection for Kyle and I. Abe liked it too 🙂

The view from our campsite — heavenly!
Abe really enjoyed getting dirty and trying to eat dirt, and charcoal, and pine needles and….
Baby’s first kayaking ride 🙂
Abe loved being in the water, and kept trying to inch farther and farther out.
Our little camping family.

+ We are moving 3 weeks from Thursday. We don’t have single thing packed (see the list of things we’ve been doing above) but… That’s how it goes. 

+ My pregnancy is going great! I am currently 18 weeks, and we have our anatomy scan (aka we should find out what we’re having) next Thursday. Kyle and I are both pretty 50/50 on what we “want” and have no feelings on whether it’s a boy or a girl, so either way we will be happy and surprised! 

This is the only bump picture I’ve taken on our real camera so far… And it’s from when I was 13 weeks, ha. But I thought I’d share it with you. Next week I will hopefully post a 20 week update with the gender and an updated bump !

+ I only read 3 books last month. I read Let the Journey Begin by Max Lucado (see full review here), Me Before You by Jojo Moyes, and Over the Edge by Brandilyn Collins. Honestly, I was expecting great things out of Me Before You, but it didn’t deliver. Over the Edge is a mystery of sorts with the main topic being Lyme Disease. I am fascinated by Lyme (and fully believe it is a real disease, and that it needs to be regarded as such in the medical community) so it was a fun, interesting read.

+ Oh, and one more thing! Abe started walking during the last 2 busy weeks! It was so fun to watch him go from taking 2-3 shaky steps to full on walking all over in such a short amount of time.

So that’s our life lately! Some crazy and exciting things have been/are taking place, and we wouldn’t trade any of it for the world! I know these next few weeks are going to fly by and we’re looking forward to all of the changes. I’ll be posting a few posts here and there over the next few weeks, and hope to be able to get back on a regular posting schedule sometime in July! Thanks for reading, y’all are the best and I love connecting with you!
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