Blog-tember 2015, Family and Friends

Blog-tember 2015 | Day 21 + My Favorite Quote

Another day, another Blog-tember post. Today’s post deals with words. Words that have impacted me in some way. As a blogger and lover of books, I’ve always loved words. Picking a favorite quote to talk about today has been so hard. What do I want to portray about myself? How do I just pick one? In the end, I decided to go with one of my favorite Harry Potters quotes. Are you surprised? Probably not. (And yes, I am aware that technically this quote should be attributed to J.K. Rowling as the author, but…. We all know Dumbledore is real ;)) 

Day 21: A favorite quote and how it has impacted you.

This quote. Where to even begin? I’m a pretty independent person. As a silly example — I don’t like to take any sort of medication (unless it was after my c-section, then give me all the pills!). I just always feel like I can power through my illness. But it’s like that in other areas of my life, as well. It’s not that I feel bad admitting that I need help, it’s just the fact that I feel like I don’t need it. Until I look back and think… Oh, yes, I suppose help would have been appreciated and needed. It’s also funny, because I am someone who loves to help and encourage others. So I’m a little bit of a conundrum, I suppose.

So this quote speaks to me. Not only in am earthly way, but in a spiritual way as well. I always need that little reminder that our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ are literally waiting for us to ask for Their help. They want us to ask. No problem is too small or too big for Them. But often times they are waiting for us to humble ourselves and ask before They give us the help we need. 

Of course, many times we are not given the help we think we need or deserve, or it takes a while for that help to come. And that’s ok. As we are taught patience and humility we get closer to go our goal of being more like our Savior. Whether the help we need comes immediately or in a while, in the form of a miracle or just a friendly face, it will come. If we ask.

And so, remember these wise words, and remember to ask. 

Help will come. 

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