Hey, hey, everyone! I’m Leah, the blogger behind My Favorite Adventure and I’m taking over My Little Sunshines for today!
Before I jump into my post, here’s a little bit about me. I’m recently (as in “not even six months ago” recently) married to my high school sweetheart. We started dating when I was 15 and Tyler was 18, so we’ve gone through a loooot of life’s changes together. I’m a church secretary by day and I love it. Doing ministry with our team is such a blessing. I get to meet lots of people and learn lots of new things, which is exactly what I like! I’ve been blogging at My Favorite Adventure for a little over a year now, but I’ve been a social media addict since junior high. Blogging is my way of remembering.

One of my favorite pastimes is reading and a love for books is something that Britt and I share. My passion for literature grew as my mom fed the fire. She never (as far as I can remember) censored the books that I read, which I’m actually very grateful for. I was allowed to read Harry Potter when many of my friends at the private Christian school I attended weren’t and I dove into more mature topics like grief and loss with the literature I chose to read.
I majored in English literature in college and it was there that I realized how much I love reading memoirs. There’s something about reading a true story written in a creative way that appeals to me so much more than just a play-by-play autobiography. I’ve been gravitating toward them more lately and I’d love to share three of my favorites with you!

1. Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake by Anna Quindlen Anna Quindlen is a powerhouse writer, but this is the first that I’ve read from her. This memoir covers topics like relationships with her adult children, aging, motherhood, and girlfriends. Now, most of the topics that were covered really didn’t apply to me at this point in my life (i.e. having adult children), but she writes in a way that relates to everyone. She gives such incredible advice throughout the book and I found myself with happy tears in my eyes during much of it.
2. Under Magnolia: A Southern Memoir by Frances MayesI took a Southern literature class my senior year of college and fell [more] in love with the South after reading this genre. I came upon Under Magnolia and thought that it would be a great addition to the literature that I was reading in class. Frances grew up with intense relationships. This memoir explores how family and place define our lives, which is so true. This book made me long for slow days on a porch drinking sweet tea.
3. Blood, Bones, & Butter: The Inadvertent Education of a Reluctant Chef by Gabrielle HamiltonFoodie memoirs are my jam. No pun intended. I love reading about how food has shaped people’s lives and memories. It’s such a powerful medium! Gabrielle Hamilton recounts the long journey that eventually ended in being chef-owner of a restaurant in New York City. Her descriptions of food are incredibly visual and beautiful. If anything, read this book just to see how food writing should be done. She’s an amazing author and I’m sure and even more amazing chef!
Memoirs are one of my favorite genres, so I’m hoping that I was able to introduce you to a couple great ones! If you read any of them, PLEASE let me know what you thought. Even if you hated it. I won’t yell at you. Promise. What’s your favorite genre? What’s the best book you’ve read of that genre? TELL ME!