Becca over at Becca Dorr is bringing back her Blogger Men Tell All link up, and I’m really excited about it 🙂 The basics of this link up? Grab the main guy in your life and ask him the prompt questions, then write them up in a blog post and link up on the specified day. Easy-peasy. There’s always some great responses from all the guys involved, and it’s fun to get a little sneak peek into their personalities. So now, here are this month’s questions, with answeres from the one and only Kyle.
1 | Do you know what you’ll be for Halloween this year?
No. Halloween is pretty dumb except for the candy. I have only “dressed up” a handful of times since I finished elementary school and that normally consists of wearing my Steve Young or John Stockton jersey. I do appreciate cute children and people who do clever or funny costumes. Oh and I like pumpkins and corn mazes. (This is true. Kyle and I are not fans of Halloween. We don’t really dress up… Mostly we take advantage of the candy that is everywhere. I suppose we better start looking at a costume for Abe though! Although I’m going to be 39 weeks pregnant on Halloween, or we might even have a baby! So I can’t say we’re going to make plans to do anything this year, ha.)
No. Halloween is pretty dumb except for the candy. I have only “dressed up” a handful of times since I finished elementary school and that normally consists of wearing my Steve Young or John Stockton jersey. I do appreciate cute children and people who do clever or funny costumes. Oh and I like pumpkins and corn mazes. (This is true. Kyle and I are not fans of Halloween. We don’t really dress up… Mostly we take advantage of the candy that is everywhere. I suppose we better start looking at a costume for Abe though! Although I’m going to be 39 weeks pregnant on Halloween, or we might even have a baby! So I can’t say we’re going to make plans to do anything this year, ha.)
2 | What is your favorite fall treat?
Um, college football? That’s a treat. I also like apple cider and pumpkin donuts. I will miss living close to Green Bluff farms outside Spokane. (Kyle has been counting down to college football since… Well, pretty much since last season ended. It really is a treat for him. And yes, Green Bluff! I will definitely miss their homemade pumpkin donuts. They are melt in your mouth delicious!)
Um, college football? That’s a treat. I also like apple cider and pumpkin donuts. I will miss living close to Green Bluff farms outside Spokane. (Kyle has been counting down to college football since… Well, pretty much since last season ended. It really is a treat for him. And yes, Green Bluff! I will definitely miss their homemade pumpkin donuts. They are melt in your mouth delicious!)
3 | What TV shows are you enjoying this Fall?
BYU football and whatever shows Britt picks to watch on Netflix. (We don’t have cable, so we’re more of Netflix people. Although I assume Once Upon a Time is coming back soon? We like to watch that one. Also we’re getting Sling TV for football season, and so I’m pretty sure some Pretty Little Liars watching is going to happen.)
BYU football and whatever shows Britt picks to watch on Netflix. (We don’t have cable, so we’re more of Netflix people. Although I assume Once Upon a Time is coming back soon? We like to watch that one. Also we’re getting Sling TV for football season, and so I’m pretty sure some Pretty Little Liars watching is going to happen.)
4 | What is one goal you’d like to accomplish by the end of 2015?
Successfully transition to being a parent of two children and still show up at work and remember a few of my clients names. (He’s being sarcastic about remembering clients names. I hope.)
Successfully transition to being a parent of two children and still show up at work and remember a few of my clients names. (He’s being sarcastic about remembering clients names. I hope.)