Currently, Link Up

Currently | September 2015

Oh hey, notice anything different? I was going to wait to roll out my new blog design, but got the itch to at least make a few of the big changes… And so I did! There is still more coming, but I hope you enjoy this little preview 🙂

I know I say this every month (and so does every one else) but oh my stars, where did the month go? Or really, where did the year go? It is September, people! Once September hits I feel like the year is pretty much over. I know that’s not really true, but once school starts and all decorating and preparation for fall and winter holidays hit, it seems like these last 4 months of the year happen in a blink of an eye. This year has been one of the fastest of my life, but I don’t see it slowing down any time soon! As I always generally usually do on the first Wednesday of every month, I’m linking up with Anne and Jenna for their currently link up. Come link up with us! 

Jacket // Dinner // Leaves // Book

READING | I’ve been reading some really great books lately. (Check back on Monday for my book reviews for August!) I’m currently reading You Should Have Known. I just started it, so I can’t say much about it right now… But I’ll let you know in my book reviews for September! (Psst, are we friends on goodreads? The obsession is real, my friends. Check out my profile here and feel free to add me!)

MAKING | Um, dinner? That’s about the only thing I make right now. No crafty crafts for me. I’m also growing a baby, so that counts too, right? 

PINNING | Let’s just get this out of the way. I am horrific at Pinterest. Like, I could probably write the book about how to not be successful at Pinterest. I know it’s a huge deal, especially for blogs, but I just haven’t found the love yet. So, what am I pinning? Errrr, not much. 

ANTICIPATING | Baby girl’s arrival! If she comes early like Abe, she could be here next month. WHAT. As in, the middle of next month. As in, we could be like 6 weeks away from having a baby. From having two kids. What have we gotten ourselves into? Just kidding. Kind of. Anyway, The next two months are going to be filled with some home improvement projects, in order for our home to be, well, in order, before she comes. Shout out to my amazing husband, because we all know when I say things like “we’ll be doing xyz” it really means he’ll be doing xyz. I love him. (PS, is this not the cutest jacket you have ever seen for a baby girl??? It’s getting ordered.)

LOVING | That Fall is right around the corner. Give me all the scarves, boots, cardigans, and fleece lined leggings, please! Plus, cooler weather is going to make for a much happier pregnant momma in these parts. 

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