Hello, hello! I have been doing so great with scheduling posts out this month, and it feels oh-so-good! But sometimes that means I don’t get to pop in and say “hello” in real time, as it were. So I thought I’d do that today, before getting to the meat of this post. We’ve been having a pretty good September so far. We’ve been doing some home improvement projects, and Kyle’s dad is coming up this weekend to help him build a shed! We picked out the paint for baby girl’s room and I love it. We’ve finally made some purchases for her, too, just clothes, since we have the rest of the necessities since it wasn’t too long ago we had a baby, but it feels good to have something just for her now. And speaking of that other baby, where did he go? He’s a little toddler-man right now and is in the funnest stage. Oh boy. He cracks me up daily. Oh, and have you noticed anything different around this here blog? First, a hint: Look up. That’s right, I purchased a domain name about 10 days ago and switched everything over. The process went really smoothly and quickly, so you might not have even noticed! However, if you do notice anything wonky, shoot me an email, so I can fix it! And of course I’ve rolled out the majority of my new design — what do you think? Oh, and I suppose I never got around to re-capping my birthday! We went out to dinner with Kyle’s mom and dad, who were on their way back from their vacation to Alaska, and I picked out this jacket and a Willow Tree nativity set for my birthday, which I am so excited to use! You might have seen on instagram that I had to take the 3 hour glucose test on my birthday, but I passed, so it was a pretty darn good day. Phew, I think that’s all! Thanks for letting me give you a quick little update on our lives! And now, on to the rest of the post….
Blogger awards are something that float around the blogosphere occasionally. I’ve been tagged for a Liebster award twice (here and here) and I also get a kick out of answering questions. I also love getting to know other bloggers through their own answers! Tayler over at The Morrell Taletagged me for the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award a couple of weeks ago, and so here I am today to share my answers to her questions with you! (Psst, you should totally go check out her blog!)
1 | What is one thing you wish you could change about your blog?
Nothing, really. I do wish I had more experience with blog design, mostly because I like to be in charge of my own blog, but I worry about breaking it sometimes, ha. But I have learned a lot in the last year and know I will continue to. Thank goodness for Google!
2 | Where would you love to travel and why?
Hands down, my number one place I’d love to visit is Paris. I took French for 9 years, beginning in 6th grade and ending my sophomore year of college. I was pretty fluent, back then, although I’ve lost most of it now, and with a love of the language came a love of the culture, the history, the literature, the food, just everything! I can’t wait to visit one day. Kyle and I hope to do a Europe trip and visit England, France, and Italy. One day….
3 | What is your favorite show to binge watch on Netflix?
Hmmm, well, my favorite show is Lost, followed closely by Grey’s Anatomy. But my current favorite is Fringe, just because that’s what we’re currently watching. We are on the last season, and will be sad for it to go.
4 | What is your favorite topic to write about?
I love writing about motherhood, books, and my faith.
5 | How has blogging changed you?
I don’t think it really has. I mean, I’ve been learning a lot, but as a person it really hasn’t changed me.
6 | Where do you claim your hometown and why?
I claim Orem, Utah as my home town. I was born in the Tampa Bay area of Florida, but only lived there for about 18 months. I was raised all over Utah County, but spent the majority of my time in Orem, and that’s where I graduated high school from, so that’s why I clam it!
7 | If you could meet someone from history who would it be?
Oh, this is a hard one! Well, Christ of course is the first person that comes to mind, or Joseph Smith. George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, too.
8 | Who is your blogging idol and why?
Jana over at Bouvardian is who really inspired me to start a new blog, where I could focus on my writing, design, photography and community. Jana married one of my high school friends, and so after seeing him promote her blog on facebook a few times, I thought, that would be fun! I also absolutely love Kristen LaValley. Who doesn’t? She is real, hilarious, and writes beautifully. And I want to be her BFF.
9 | What or who is someone who has inspired you throughout your life?
Oh, I’ve had a lot of people inspire me through my life. I thought of a few people to mention here (Jesus Christ, my mom, different school teachers), but I think I will go with Gordon B. Hinckley. He was the prophet and president of my church from 1995-2007. and as such, his messages really influenced me growing up. He was a great man, and I love re-reading his talks and learning more about his life.
10 | Why do you blog?
I blog because I enjoy it! I’ve been blogging since approximately 2005, and have always enjoyed typing out my thoughts and feelings, and I still do! I hope that through blogging I can find community and friendship, and maybe reach out and touch one other person, and let them know they are not alone.
Phew, writing up this blog post has taken more time than I thought it would! So I’m not going to actually nominate any bloggers (sorry, I’m lame!) and only post 5 questions for anyone to answer, so feel free to participate! Let me know if you decide to!
1 | Where did your blog name come from?
2 | Where is your favorite place to visit?
3 | Where do you see your blog growing in a year from now?
4 | What are 2 non-blog related goals you have for the rest of 2015?
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.