This kid you guys. Where do I even start? The fact that he is a full-blown toddler now is absolutely out of control. He is definitely not my tiny, squishy baby any more. He is just a sweetheart to be around, although he’s getting a bit mischievous in his old age 😉 He is definitely going to keep me on my toes, that’s for sure.
Abe’s always been pretty healthy, although he’s been pretty congested sounding since birth and snores a lot. At his 18 month appointment (with a new pediatrician, since we moved) our pediatrician mentioned that he thinks he could have seasonal allergies, or he could also have small nasal passageways and/or large adenoids. He wants us to try Abe on allergy medication for a month, and then come back to see if that’s helped at all. If not, we’ll keep monitoring him and see if he will eventually need some sort of sleep test or surgery to correct his passageways or adenoids. Who knows?! Other than that, he’s healthy as can be.
Sleeping and Eating
He is still an excellent sleeper, generally sleeping 13 hours a night (8 pm – 9 am, approximately), which I am sure grateful for. Then he naps for around 2 hours in the afternoon. Abe eats anything we set in front of him, and generally loves it. In the last month he’s started feeding himself with a spoon and fork, and I’m not sorry! It’s nice to be able to eat my own food while he does 🙂 When he’s finished eating he puts his cup and bowl/plate on the table, and then he signs “all done”. Although if he thinks he’s waited long enough for us to do something about it, his leftover food/bowl/plate/spoon/fork might end up on the ground.
New Skills and Development
As mentioned above, he now feeds himself, which is great. He knows how to go up and down stairs, and get on and off couches. He knows where his belly button is, (and his penis…), as well as his nose, ear and mouth (although he likes to point to his ear for everything, silly guy). He waves and blows kisses constantly. When we ask him if he’s tired and wants to go to bed he’ll walk right to his crib. He has started to make the funniest faces, and laughs and laughs when we make them back to him. He has 16 teeth. He’s learned how to make a pen work, which is a little scary, ha. He is also very adept at reaching and standing on his tiptoes to get something he wants. He also folds his arms for prayers.
To be held, especially by Daddy, or by Mommy right when she’s in the middle of making dinner. He loves baths and signs bath every time we go by a bathroom. He loves to be flipped upside down. He loves to “color” with a pen and paper. He loves to walk around the house with a bowl and spoon and pretend to cook. He loves to stand on our couch and look outside our big window at the cars driving by and the trees and the animals. He loves to bring us books to read to him. He loves music and will frequently sign to me to get me to put some on. He also loves to close doors, which I find hilarious. He loves to “help” and we try to let him, even if it just makes the mess worse. He especially loves to sweep.
Getting his diaper changed. That is literally the worst part of both of our days, ha. He also does not like it when Daddy leaves to go somewhere, he just pouts and cries. He hates having to wait for food, once he knows it’s time to eat.
“Sess-sess” — Jesus
“Esss” — Penis
“Pp!” — Up
“Muah” — while blowing kisses
“Uff-uff” — dog sound
“Ra!” — lion/tiger sound
“All Done”
“Eat” — with accompanying “mmmm” sound
We sure love our little guy, so, so much, and I’m excited to make him a big brother so soon! I think he’s going to be a great one. I love watching him learn and develop and grow. It’s such a special opportunity to be a mom, and I’m grateful every day I get the chance to be one.
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.