Grace is a beautiful thing. And of the things that make it so beautiful is the way it shows itself in so many different ways across all our lives. Sometimes it’s in the smile of a child, sometimes it’s the sun shining through the trees, sometimes it’s a friend calling to see how you’re doing, sometimes it’s finding the strength to forgive. It can be simple, or it can be big, but it’s grace. It’s love. And it’s wonderful.
I recently read the book The Beauty of Grace and was so touched by all of the stories and experiences that were poured out into this book. Dawn Camp has put together a beauty book with short snippets from authors such as Ann Voskamp, Lisa Leonard, and Annie F. Downs, and those words are accompanied by beautiful and inspiring photography. This book portrays what I stated above — that there are many ways we experience grace in our lives, and it’s just so uplifting. I love that they are short little snippets of life, that if I’m feeling down I can just pick up this book and read a few pages, and feel instantly inspired. These women have poured their hearts into these words, you can tell.
Even if you don’t pick up this book, I encourage you to take a few minutes, and try to see God’s hand in your life. Where and when has His grace “been sufficient for you” (2 Cor. 12:9)? I guarantee if you take the time, you will find those moments, and your heart and testimony of God’s love will swell. Keep looking for His grace, and you will find it.
I received free product from Family Christian in exchange for an honest review.
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.