I’m not a highly emotional mom. I know that some moms get all teary when they’re stowing away small clothes or when their babies hit milestones, etc., etc. I’ve never been that way. Not that either way is bad or good. that just wasn’t and isn’t me. But with the impending arrival of this little girl, I’ve started to feel all the feels about my one-on-one time with Abe coming to an end. So I had to write a little letter to him, because… I love him.
You were the first.
The first to grow in my belly. The first to come home with Daddy and me. The first to keep us up all night. The first to teach us what loving a child really means. The first to smile at us. The first to call us Mama and Dada. The first.
And now we’re giving you a baby sister.
Which is exciting and new and will bring it’s own challenges, and I can’t wait to see the relationship you two have.
I want you to know that even though my attention will be split between you two, you are still just as important to me, and you are still just as loved. My heart just wants to burst when I think of how much I love you. Your sweet grin, the silly faces you make, your white-blond hair, your waves, your kisses… They make me melt and I am so glad to be your momma. These past 19 months flew by too quickly. And while I know this was the right timing, it still breaks my momma-heart to think that you probably won’t remember the times we spent playing, just the two of us. You’ll grow up thinking that you’ve always had to share me with your sister, and while that’s ok, it makes me a little sad.
Because I love you so much. And I will always cherish this time. When it was just me and you, together all day.
I love you, Abe. Always and forever. You are one of the biggest blessings in my life, and have brought me such joy. I was meant to be your momma, and you were meant to be my son. The mere thought of you makes my face break into a smile. You are the sweetest, most sensitive little soul, but you are strong, too. You will go so far in life, I know it.
Never forget that you are loved and cherished. And never forget that I will always be your biggest fan.
your Momma