Well, I know this is a month late, but I had to share a picture of my Abey boy on Halloween. We’re not huge Halloween people around here, so I was glad to get this cute hand-me-down costume for Abe to wear. And, I must say, he looked pretty darn cute. We spent our Halloween morning at a suicide prevention 5K that Kyle ran in (and placed!), and then that evening we took Abe trunk-or-treating before coming home, eating pizza, and watching the newest Avengers movie.
2 | A Recap of a Baby-free Date Night
My in-laws were here for a while, helping out after the baby came. And one night Kyle and I escaped for a date night, sans babies! We went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse, and went to see Spectre! (Which was really good!) We also stopped by a furniture store that was advertising a sofa/loveseat set for $500. We checked it out, liked it, and ordered it! It will be delivered on Friday and I am SO excited. (We got this one, in Cobblestone (grey), in case you’re wondering.)
3 | A Visit from Dani
Last Saturday my BFF Dani came up for a visit! She originally was going to stay a day or two, but ultimately deciced just to come up for the day. I didn’t mind at all! I love any chance I get to see her, and am so grateful she made the drive up to see me (and Kyle and Abe) and to meet Eliza. Her baby girl is due in March and of course her and Eliza are going to be best friends, too 🙂
4 | A Recap of Thanksgiving
We had a great thanksgiving yesterday. My mom and sister drove up on Tuesday and have been with us — which means my mom basically prepared all of the dinner for me. #winning. It was our first real snow of the season on Wednesday and Thursday, too, so Kyle, Abe and my sister played outside and K even made a snowman. We spent a lazy day cooking, eating, and sleeping, and finished off the night watching Jurassic World. Thanksgiving done right, y’all.
5 | Weekend Plans
I’m pretty excited because tomorrow we’re taking family pictures! I’ll be so excited to show them to you once we get them back. Other plans include eating all the leftovers…. YUM! And my BIL and his family might be driving up tomorrow to visit us, which is also exciting!
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.