Another month… More books read! Can I just say, again, that I LOVE reading and I LOVE book?! There are so many books out there that I hope to be able to read in my lifetime. I hope heaven has books 🙂 I love sharing with you what I read each month, and I hope that you enjoy reading them, too. I decided to start sharing links to both goodreads and amazon — that way you can add the book to your goodreads list as well as purchase it for yourself, if you’d like. (Affiliate links present, at no cost to you!)
5 stars. This was an overdue re-read of this great American classic, and it did not disappoint in the least. There are so many great truths in this book. I wanted to highlight all the lines that spoke to me, but I didn’t, because it would have marked up the whole book! I probably will next time, though. If I was an English teacher we would read this book every year, in every grade. It is THAT good. If you haven’t read it, pick it up. Now.
5 stars. This was another re-read this month, and is another favorite of mine, as well. This book is the Bronte sisters meets modern day and it just amazing. If you’re a fan of Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, and other gothic novels, I think you’d like this one.
2 stars. This book was almost good. I picked it up at the dollar store, so I wasn’t expecting anything too thrilling… But it was so close to being good. It was confused though — was it a ghost story? a psychological thriller? a love story? WHO KNOWS?! And because it was confused the ending felt forced and also didn’t deliver all the answers I expected. Ah well.
2 stars. I picked this up off of Amazon for free to give it at try. It’s your pretty typical YA novel, with a twist at the end, although I picked up on the twist a couple chapters into the book. It wasn’t mindblowing by any means, and I can’t say I would recommend it… But I was interested enough that I might try to find the next book in the series.
Wife to Kyle, and momma to Abe, Eliza and Jonah. I'm a stay-at-home momma by day, and a blogger by naptime. I graduated from BYU with a degree in Human Development, and I love to read more than anything. I love my Savior, and sharing His love for others is my greatest passion.