Eliza, Family and Friends

Eliza at 2 Months

Eliza 2 Months

Height: 23 1/4 inches (90th percentile)

Weight: 10 pounds, 5 ounces (25th percentile)

Head Circumference: 15 1/2 inches (83rd percentile)

Our big Eliza gal is 2 months old! And is no longer our squishy newborn, although, let’s be honest, she’s still pretty squishy. She’s more and more alert, and started smiling and cooing at us over the break. She weighs over 2 pounds more than her brother did at this age, and we can definitely feel it! She’s just more solid than Abe was as a baby. She’s a wiggly one, too. Whenever we lay her down her legs and arms are constantly moving, and when we hold her she squirms all over the place. She’s been giving us some 6 or 7 hour stretches of sleep at night (hoorah!) but then sometimes she’s like, psych! I’m going to wake up every 2-3 hours tonight. Ah well, life with a babe. She’s also started being able to fall asleep on her own (another hoorah!) which makes this momma very happy. Before, we would have to spend like an hour feeding, rocking, feeding again, etc before she would finally fall into a deep enough sleep for me to set her down.

We sure love our little gal. Sure we’re busier and tireder (ha) but Kyle and I love having her here in our family, and so does Abe! He wants to hold and feed and pat her all day long, it’s quite sweet. Anyway, we love our little family, and although we won’t be adding another member to our family for at least another year, we know we’re not done, and are looking forward to the day number 3 makes his or her appearance.

Birth story here and here.

Birth announcement here.

Meaning behind her name here.

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