Health & Fitness, Triathlon Training

Training For A Triathlon | Month One


Read the intro here.

Well, here we are, one month into my training. And, I’ll be honest, I haven’t done too much. Mostly because it’s too darn cold, ha. And because I’m still on a new baby time frame. But I’ll get there. I have ridden on our exercise bike a handle of times and stretched, but I didn’t get back into Piyo like I intended. However, two of my friends have signed up to do it, and we’re pressuring encouraging another friend to sign up as well. All 3 of them have actually done the Triathamom twice, so they know what to expect. It will be nice to have 3 friends to train with and to do the triathlon with the day of, too!

I’ve decided that I need to set goals in these posts, in order to motivate myself and to hold myself accountable for my training. March’s goals will be small beans and more of an easing myself back into working out type of goals, but after March I’m hoping to really get into actually starting to train and prepare for a swim, bike ride, and run.

March Goals

  1. Ride the exercise bike for at least 20 minutes two times a week.
  2. Do a Piyo work out once a week.
  3. Drink 40 ounces of water a day.

Yep, that’s it. But even just doing those few things will be good for me. Here’s to hoping I can get Eliza on a more set schedule soon, so I can work out in the morning! A girl can dream… Right?

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