All Things Blog, Family and Friends

What to Expect + An Update

What to Expect

Hi friends! I hope you all had a splendid week. We’ve been in the throes of sickness over here, so I can’t really say I did, but that’s ok! It comes with the territory of motherhood and having kids. I wanted to come to my little space today, though, and give you all an update on where my blog is going and what you can expect moving forward.

I’ve been trying to blog 5x a week (M-F), mostly because I have SO many ideas I want to share with you! But what I’ve found by trying to do this is that 1) my content quality goes down, 2) I get a little burnt out and 3) I don’t have much time to post and promote on other social media channels, read your blogs, respond to comments and e-mails, etc. I do the majority of my blog work during naptime (or in the early morning, if my kids let me, ha) and those 2-3 hours a day are just not sufficient to get all I need to done if I continue to try to post 5x a week (or if I want to get other things done sans kids, you know, like take a shower). I’m also a contributor for She Teaches Fearlessly, and I write guest posts for others fairly often, so again, there’s just so much writing to be done, and so little time.

Anyway, so that’s my lead-in to what I’m wanting to share with you today. I’m planning on pulling back to posting 3x a week or so. It won’t be a set schedule (like M/W/F) simply because I have some series I post on Monday, some on a Tuesday, etc., just depending on the week. However, I do have a set schedule, so you know what to expect I’ll be posting about on any given day of the week, if that makes sense. It’s a schedule I’ve been adhering to already, with a few tweaks, but I wanted to lay it out for you anyway.

Mondays | will be reserved for book reviews and posts about all things motherhood and baby. I will continue to post my monthly book round-ups on the 1st Monday of the month like I have since I started the blog.

Tuesdays | will be when I post about all things fashion and beauty. I will continue to post my Fashion After Baby series the 2nd Tuesday of the month, and my Fave Finds the 4th Tuesday. With a few other posts thrown in as I see fit.

Wednesdays | will be focused on blogging. Whether it’s blogging tips, link-ups, etc., that’s when I plan to post about them. I’m starting a blogging series this month that will run on the 3rd Wednesdays of the month.

Thursdays | are when I’ll be posting fitness updates and vlogs. As I’ve been doing, I’ll be joining in with the Golden Vlog series on the 2nd Thursday of the month, and on the 4th Thursday I’ll be posting updates on my triathlon training.

Fridays | will continue to be faith and family oriented. My LDS Faith and Belief series goes up the 1st and 3rd Fridays of the month, and Five On Friday will continue to be posted on the 4th Friday.

I hope this gives you a little insight into what to expect here at MLS, and get you excited you for the things to come! I love blogging so much, and I wish I had time to write quality posts for you all day, every day. However, I just can’t, and that’s ok! But with a structured editorial  calendar I can make sure that when I do post, it’s quality.

You know, I blog for me. I blog about what I want to blog about, when I want to blog about it. I blog because it helps me develop many skill sets. I also write for you, to build relationships with you and to help you by giving you tips and advice that I’ve found helpful in my own life. I also try to monetize this blog a little bit, because I figure if it’s something I enjoy doing, I might as well get a little something out of it. But I can guarantee that I will never sell out. I only blog about things that are relevant to me and to my life, things that I actually like and enjoy, and think that you would, too. That’s a promise.

Now, as for a little update on us… We are so good! Apart from the little batch of sickness we’ve had this week. I’m hoping that spring is here to stay and that we can start venturing outside to play soon! We’ve got a few home improvement projects to work on in the next month or two, as well as a couple of trips to Utah planned for various reasons. (One being that my BFF is coming to visit from Kentucky so GET OUT HERE ALREADY Sarah!) Life is good in the Hanson household. And if I could only get lil miss to sleep a little better, we’d be golden.

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