All Things Blog, Blog-tember 2016, Link Up, My Faith

Something I Wish More People Knew Or Believed | Blog-tember 2016

Something I Wish More People Knew Or Believed

Y’all. Today’s Blog-tember prompt is a gem. And this post? It’s important. What I have to say to you is really, really, really important. So please, listen.

Today’s Prompt: Something I Wish More People Knew Or Believed

Here it is. Here is what you should know.

You are loved.

You are loved by me. Even if I don’t know you, I love you. But more importantly, you are loved by your Father in Heaven. You are His daughter. You are His. And He loves you.

Yes, you are loved.

You are loved no matter what stage of life you’re in, no matter what body type you have, no matter how you may feel about yourself — He cares for you.

You are loved.

You are loved by Him, and you are loved by His son, Jesus Christ. King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Creator of Worlds. These two magnificent beings love you. More than you can ever know.

Yes, you are loved.

You are special. You have been redeemed. You have been bought with a price. You are precious in Their eyes. Please never forget this. Never forget that you are full of worth, that you are worthy of love.

You are loved.

blogtember2016I love you. I really do. And so does He. Please never never never forget that. I’ll be back on Thursday sharing my fall favorites.









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