How are you going to introduce your baby to solids? I feel like that is a frequently asked question in the mommy-circles. Will you start with rice cereal? Will you feed your little one purees? Are you going to go with BLW (baby led weaning)? So many questions, and so many opinions! It’s enough to make a momma go crazy. Here are a few tips I have to help you with the transition.
Don’t worry about what others say/think/recommend.
I mean, obviously you shouldn’t start your baby on solids when they’re newborns, (and definitely listen to your pediatrician’s recommendations — hopefully you have one you like and trust), but you’re the momma, so follow those momma instincts. Don’t think your baby is ready for solids yet, even though she’s over 6 months old? That’s ok. Do you want to start with rice cereal, even though everyone you know tells you you shouldn’t? That’s ok, too.
Don’t invest in pricey gadgets.
There are some really cool things on the market out there, but why would you spend money on something when you could use something you already own. All those baby food makers are the same as a food processor or blender, and I bet you already have at least one of those appliances hanging around your house, so just use them instead of buying something new! However, I DO recommend buying one of these baby food grinders. They are the best, cheap, and easy to transport when traveling. Both my kids gobble(d) up the stuff I made in there.
Do try a variety of different foods and combinations.
One thing to remember is that it’s up to us to introduce our children to new food. So don’t be afraid to switch things up. You’ll be surprised what your baby ends up liking! (Eliza loves peas. Like what?) This can be hard for me, since I’m more of a picky plain eater, but I’ve definitely found it important to give my kids everything, even if it’s something I don’t personally like.
One product that both my kids have enjoyed (Abe especially!) are Gerber Lil’ Bits. Neither Abe nor Eliza have particularly loved purees (although Abe would at least eat them,Eliza shuts her mouth as soon as she detects me sending some her way) but they will eat puree-type foods that have little chunks (or bits) of food in them. Gerber Lil’ Bits are perfect food for teething babies.
Sometimes for a bit of a different meal, I like to mix our Gerber Lil’ Bits to make different foods! Today I mixed up some Banana Apple Strawberry Lil’ Bits with some baby oatmeal for Eliza. Delicious! This way she gets in a little extra nutrition in with her breakfast, and she gets to experiment with more tastes.
Just a little info on what we’ve done with our kids: Both of our kids we started trying solids around 6 months, first offering baby oatmeal. I’ve enjoyed starting my babies with that, in order for them to learn how to swallow and experience a different texture in their mouth. With both kids, it probably took a good month (or two) until they got the hang of it and actually started eating some. Once they get the hang of eating baby cereal, I’ll generally try a couple flavors of store-bought baby purees, just to see what they think. Abe liked those, Eliza not so much. You’ve just gotta find out what works for your baby! Then after the babe gets used to the purees, I start in with both table food (bread, eggs, avocado, bananas, etc), food made in our food grinder (typically I just put in whatever we’re eating for dinner and grind it up), and store-bought baby food like Gerber Lil’ Bits. And after that then I just transition into what we’re eating, without grinding it up! But really, again, it’s really up to you and your baby.
But like I said above, trust your momma instincts 🙂 You’re doing great!
How did you introduce your baby to solids?