Family and Friends, GBOMB

GBOMB | February 2018


Well, like it usually does, February flew by. Thank goodness for short months! I’m so excited for March – it’s one of mine and Kyle’s favorite months of the year. Not only do we celebrate Kyle and Abe’s birthdays, but it’s March Madness, and usually the weather starts to warm up, as my favorite season, Spring, arrives. Plus it leads into another favorite month of mine, April (Easter and General Conference and SPRING, yes!). Anyway, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Let’s power down February before we hop into March.


We got out of the house a lot the first couple weeks of the month! I set up play dates with a few friends I hadn’t seen in a while, and we were able to go to a little birthday party for our favorite 1 year old in our neighborhood. It felt good to be a bit more social than I had been in a while, even if it left me exhausted, haha.

I went to a baby shower for my amazing friend Ashley. Ash and I met a little over a year ago and immediately clicked. She has an amazing story, and her and her husband just started a YouTube channel that you can check out here. She’s expecting her rainbow baby and first boy in March, and we loved celebrating her and baby Noah!


Kyle and I went to our 3rd annual Valentine’s Day couples party with our close friends and had a blast. The theme this year was Sadie Hawkins, so we all came in semi-matching outfits, and pulled out some great poses during our group shot 😉 We ate delicious food and played some hilarious games, and basically just laughed all night long. I am so, so grateful for good friends and time spent with them.



We spent President’s Day at our our good friends’ home, catching up with them and eating (even more) delicious food. We’ve known Shaeli and Levi since 2012(ish) and don’t see them too often since they live about an hour away from us, so any time spent with them is a good time. We love them a lot, and laugh a lot with them, too.

I hit the 3rd trimester (finally!). Hallelujah! May still sounds too far away, but still a great milestone to hit. I was going to type up a pregnancy update this week, but nothing has really changed since my last one, so I’ll wait another couple of weeks to share another one.


28 weeks.


Abe got some sort of weird stomach bug last week, and threw up both Monday and Tuesday nights. Poor little guy. And that meant we were stuck inside all week, which was also not too much fun.

The “spring” weather we’d been having finally crumbled, like I knew it would, and our winter weather came back with snow, ice, and 20 degree days. I’m ready for spring weather to come — and stay!


I’ve reached the point in my pregnancy that I am obsessing about all the ways I’m going to get back into shape after the baby comes. Meal plans and systems, gym classes, etc., etc. I’m ready to move my body and to have the energy to fuel it the way it needs to be. I have little energy these days, and know it’s only going to get worse from here on out as baby (and I) get bigger and bigger and I’m already looking forward to doing all the things not pregnant.

I’ve not been doing so great church wise — not a loss of testimony or anything, but just not prioritizing the things I should be, like scripture reading and prayer. The last 6 months or so have just been so rough, and I feel like everything I attempt to do is a struggle, and that we’ve just been in survival mode over here. But I know that survival mode is going to go beyond baby’s due date in May, and through (at least) the first few months of life with a newborn, so I need to get at least that aspect of life together and stop making excuses. Giving myself grace is great, but not always necessary. Gotta get my act together! 🙂

Today I’m sharing Eliza’s birth story over on Chelsea’s Honest Birth series, so go check it out!

Alright, now on to March!

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