Abe, Family and Friends

Abe is 4

Abe Is 4

Today is my sweet Abe’s 4th birthday.

4 years ago, he burst on the scene 3 weeks early, surprised us all, and introduced us to parenthood. 4 years ago, he was just a tiny 6 pound baby boy, and now he’s a full blown preschooler with thoughts and ideas and all the emotions. 4 years ago, Kyle and I couldn’t have dreamed of the laughter, tears, lack of sleep, and happiness he’d bring us in these short first 4 years of his life, and now we’ve been parents for a year, and agree that it’s the hardest, best thing ever.

Abe, I love you so much, buddy. You are sweet and kind and sensitive, and the best oldest child I could ask for. You can be timid and shy, but have such a silly streak that is just the funniest thing. You love to play with Eliza, and always come snuggle me in the mornings when you wake up. You’re such a helper (when you want to be!) and are just getting so big and independent.

You’re getting to be so inquisitive, asking questions about our bodies and space, wanting to know why things are the way they are, and wanting to have long conversations with me about anything and everything. You’re a little smartie-pants, and I’m excited to see what other things you become interested in as you grow older.

Being a mother is something I have always wanted to do and be, and you gave me that gift first. You’re my special little buddy, (and you’re daddy’s, too!) and we love you with all of our hearts.

I love you, Abe! Let’s have a fantastic day together!

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