Family and Friends, GBOMB

GBOMB | March 2018


Luckily March has gone by pretty fast. I still maintain that this pregnancy has been the longest one ever, but at least this last trimester is going by a liiiiitle quicker than the first 28 weeks did. I’m now (almost) 33 weeks (I’ll have to do a pregnancy update soon!), and am glad that as of Sunday I can say I’m due next month. Can you believe I found out I was pregnant in September? It seems like a lifetime ago! (PS, I wrote the majority of this post on March 30, and am back-publishing it to then. Just FYI in case the timing in it throws you off!)


We bought our minivan! All the praise hands and happy faces. We have been working towards our goal of buying a minivan for a couple of years now, and of course, with a 3rd baby coming soon, it was a necessity. We’ve thought about going the SUV route, but for a family with 3 kids barely 4 and under, the amenities a minivan offered were a no-brainer. We ended up buying a 2015 Toyota Sienna, with 41,000 miles on it. Our hope and goal is to drive it for about 10 years, and then we’ll switch to an SUV-type vehicle. We were blessed to be able to pay about half down, and financed the rest on a 3 year loan. We are LOVING it so far (the kids are seriously obsessed!) and are happy as clams to be part of the minivan club.


We bought our minivan from my best friend’s husband, so she and their daughter came to visit us while we were there signing paperwork. It was so fun to see her! We are due just a couple of days apart this time around, and it’s been a lot of fun being able to complain to each other, ha!


Abe turned 4! What?! It seems like yesterday he was born, but also like it’s been a million years. He’s the best kid ever and I love watching him grow. More about him at age 4 to come next week after his well-child check.

Kyle turns 32 tomorrow, and we’re looking forward to a nice, family-filled, relaxing weekend at home — watching General Conference, celebrating Kyle, and celebrating Easter (my favorite holiday!).

We are 99.9% sure we have our boy and girl names figured out. (Well, our girl name has been pretty set since Eliza was born, but a boy name was much harder for us this time around!!) We are really excited to find out the gender and announce that and the name in May!


I’m still pregnant. Ok, actually that is a good thing, we don’t need a premature baby over here, but pregnancy…. woof. It’s been no walk in the park this time around, that’s for sure. I’m getting bigger and am in more pain every day. Just 7 more weeks, just 7 more weeks, 7 more weeks.


General Conference is this weekend, and I am feeling weird about it. Not weird in an “I don’t want to watch way”, just in an “I don’t feel prepared at all way” and don’t want to/don’t know how to fix that. I just feel weirdly complacent in my faith, while also thirsting for more study and scripture time. It’s a weird feeling that I need to take some time to figure out. I think it just has a lot to do with this whole pregnancy thing. I think I might be suffering from a touch of prenatal depression. Not enough to do anything about, but enough that I’m just feeling unlike myself. It could also just very well be pregnancy/hormones in general, not necessarily “depression”. Who knows. I just know I’m looking forward to not being pregnant any more, Kyle being on paternity leave, getting all the newborn snuggles, and warmer weather. Doesn’t that all sound fantastic?

I think pretty much everything “on my brain” is related to pregnancy and everything to do with that and that last paragraph. Maybe I’ll write a longer post about it later.

All around, March was pretty great —- now on to April!

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