Well, friends, it’s been a while. January was a hard month, and then February got busy, and I needed a break, and now it’s March. Wow. Where does the time go?!
Towards the end of January and the beginning of February I was feeling depressed and anxious, and really overwhelmed and bogged down. I wasn’t sure what I needed or wanted, but I knew a social media break would help. So I wrote a lot of angsty, dramatic posts in the first few weeks of February, (but never published them ha!), and I decided to take an Instagram break. I deleted it from my phone half-way through February and I still haven’t re-downloaded the app to my phone. I’m sure a blog post about it will be forth coming 😉 but suffice it to say, it’s been so good for me.
And now, how about some currently prompts, just for fun:
CELEBRATING | some March birthdays! Abe turns 5 (!!!) this month, and Kyle turns 33 a few days later, so we’ll be partying.
FEELING | ready for spring weather! It’s been a little warmer (in the 30s, ha!) and rainy the last couple of days, so I’m hoping it will stick around — we were pounded with snow in February and I am over it!
WEARING | either jeans and a top/cardigan, or sweats and a t-shirt, depending on if I’m leaving the house or not that day, ha!
LOVING | the fact that it is March and it feels like spring might really start here soon. I am ready for sunny days, warmer weather, and the ability to tell my kids to go play outside!
WATCHING | all the documentaries on Netflix. My friend told me about Abducted in Plain Sight in January and I promptly watched it. I thought it was only going to be popular with people here in Pocatello (where the kidnapping took place) but quickly realized everyone was watching it. We also just finished The Ted Bundy Tapes last week and whoa buddy. What a ride. I also decided to start Grey’s Anatomy over, so maybe by the time I work my way through all the seasons the show will have ended…. Maybe.
I really just feel like life has been a little crazy the last couple of months. Life with 3 kids has been hard. Not necessarily the fact that I have 3, but just where their ages fall right now is a little tricky and difficult. They’re all still home every day, they still need help with many things, they’re still learning and in a stage where they kind of destroy everything. They’re all just little kids still! So I’ve been feeling frazzled and worn out and anxious, which is another reason I am so ready for warmer weather — I think it will be so good for all of us.
I’m hoping that sunnier and warmer days will lend their hands to more productive and goal-getting days for me. 2019 — I think I’m really coming for you now!