Family and Friends, Jonah

Jonah at 2, 4, 6, and 9 Months

Nothing like that 3rd child life…. When your mom hasn’t posted any updates basically since you’ve been born, ha! Our Mr. Jonah turned 10 months old last week, so it’s time for me to update you on his first 10 months of life. Mom fail. I’m a little bit in denial that HE’S ALMOST ONE, but we have loved every minute of it.

After a couple of months where the evening “witching hour” really brought out the worst in him, Jonah has become the most chill and happy baby ever. We love him, we love him, we love him.

And now here are some stats and photos from the last few months.

2 months stats:

4 month stats:

25 1/4 inches (53rd %ile)
14 pounds 6 ounces (25th %tile)
43.4 cm (92nd %tile)

6 month stats:

27 inches (61st %tile)
16 pounds 1 ounce (19th %tile)
45.8 cm (97th %tile)

He is so quick to smile at everyone, and gets in these moods where he just giggles and giggles. He is content to just sit and look around while laying on his back, in the rock n play, or in the carseat. He rolls over now, but doesn’t love being stuck on his tummy after he rolls, ha!

He has been a pretty good sleeper for the most part, generally waking up only once per night now — going down around 9 pm, waking up at 4 am, and then sleeping again until 7 or 8 am. (Although as I’m writing this, the past few nights have been terrible, so there’s that.) He usually takes one long nap in the afternoon, and shorter naps in the morning and evening.

9 months stats:

28 inches (32 %tile)
17 pounds 13 ounces (17th %tile)
46.7 cm (89th %tile)

He crawls around our whole house (more of a half army crawl, half regular crawl), smiles all the time, and is still just super chill. He generally sleeps 12 hours (about 7 pm to 7 am) but still will wake up for the occasional bottle earlier. Him and Abe share a room and it’s gone so well. His schedule isn’t totally tied down since 3 days a week I have to take and pick up Abe from preschool in the morning, but he will usually take a morning nap and an afternoon nap. He loves bottles and solid foods. He had 2 little bottom teeth pop up around 8 months, and hasn’t gotten any more.

He is legit the best, and we are so glad he’s ours.

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