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Blog-tember 2015

    Blog-tember 2015, Family and Friends

    Blog-tember 2015 | Day 30 + A Farewell

    Friends! Be sure to check out my guest post over at A Prioritized Marriage today! 
    I’m talking all about the perks of being married to a counselor.

    Today’s the last day of September. And the last of Blog-tember 2015. I’m so glad I decided to participate in as many prompts as I did, and I hope you had a fun time following along with them! Today is simply a farewell date, I hope you enjoy.

    Day 30: A farewell coffee date. 

    Well friends, I hope it’s cooled down where you are. There’s really nothing like the crisp, cool air of fall. Especially when you’re holding a hot drink in your hand. My drink of choice is usually a hazelnut or caramel flavored hot chocolate, although you can occasionally find me with a hot apple cider, as well. 

    As I reflect back on my September… It was a good one. It might have been my last full month with just one child, which is pretty crazy to think about. This little gal is going to be making her appearance sooner rather than later, and our routine will be turned upside down. But I’m ready. Or at least, I think I’m ready. 

    I really was able to give blogging a lot of attention in September, and I’m so glad. Before I started to blog for real I didn’t know you could schedule posts in advance, neither did I realize how amazing it is to do that. It takes so much pressure off of you as a blogger. For example, I’m actually writing this on September 21st. And with this post, I’ve finished off scheduling all of my September posts, which means I can get a head start on writing October posts, and even November posts, which will be so great, since I want to be able to give you great content, even when baby girl gets here. 

    Again, I really hope you’ve enjoyed my posts this month. I am trying my hardest to not only write about what I’m passionate about, but to write quality posts, too. I love connecting with you as we take this journey through life together. I hope you feel that.

    And so, we say goodbye to September, but hopefully not to the friendships we’ve made this month. Stick around, let’s inspire each other.

    Brave Love Blog

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