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    Family and Friends, Kyle

    7 Years With You

    7 years

    Tomorrow marks 7 years since I knelt across an altar, my hands entwined with his, and promised forever.

    Some days 7 years seems like a long time. I mean, we’ve finished school, and bought a house, and moved multiple times, and have had two kids. But also? Some days 7 years seems like a blink of an eye. Wasn’t it just yesterday we were crazy college kids, falling in love?

    Our marriage isn’t perfect by any means. We have our disagreements and disappointments. But at the end of the day, there’s no one else I’d rather be with, be sealed to, for forever. He makes me laugh daily, he scratches my backs, he takes me on dates, he works hard so that I can stay home with our kids. He puts up with my crazy, and loves me in spite of it – or maybe even because of it. We know what makes each other tick, and I can predict what he’ll do in most circumstances. He keeps me calm, and I keep him social 😉

    There is nothing I love more than lying in bed together, at the end of a long day, and just chatting. Chatting about our lives, about the cute things our kids did that day. Chatting about our past, and planning our future. I love that the very best.

    I love you, Kyle. Thanks for giving me the best 7 years of my life.

    Here’s to the next 7, and beyond.
