I’m so thrilled Amberly took the time to write up this post for me! Amberly blogs over at A Prioritized Marriage, sharing ways to keep your spouse a priority, and I absolutely love her blog. She runs a series called The Perks of Being Married to My Spouse (see my post here) and so thought it was fitting that she titled her post “The Perks of Being a Mother” 🙂 Enjoy!
I’ve always loved the idea of being a mother and when we found out that we were pregnant with our little boy, I immediately starting imagining what my new role would look like. My new title of “mom” has been the most rewarding, frustrating, tiring, exciting, and enjoyable journey of my life. My emotions are all over the place when it comes to that little man who will one day learn to call me “mama”, (though probably a little more stable than they were when my hormones were still all over the place), and I honestly can’t imagine my life any other way. I wanted to share some of the perks that I’ve found in motherhood for those of you out there who aren’t mothers yet but want to be (or maybe aren’t quite sure if you want to be) in the future. I feel like there is so much focus on the rough mom days and not enough on the good ones. As with anything in life, motherhood comes with its not so pleasant experiences, but the good days most definitely out weigh the bad.

Unimaginable Love
I thought I knew an immense amount of love when I met my husband, and I still love him more than anything in the world, but the love that I have for our little boy is greater than I ever could have imagined. There are so many things that sweet, innocent little soul does that make me throw my hands in the air in frustration, but I can’t help loving him even more at the exact same time. I know that as he grows, that love will only continue to grow with him and I’m going to be wrapped around his little finger even tighter than before. There isn’t anything in the world that I wouldn’t do for that kid and learning to parent with love and logic, allowing him to learn from the natural consequences of his actions is going to be a lot harder than I ever could have imagined.
Greater Love and Respect for my Husband
Watching my husband interact with our son, acting more silly and ridiculous than I have ever seen him act before has increased my love and my respect for him as a human being and a husband. Every time he sees more of himself in how our little one interacts with the world and people around him, I can’t help but smile! The two of them, along with our puppy, have the most fun that two pals could have and I love to listen to them giggling and playing together while I make dinner, clean the house or do my homework. Watching the father/son interaction between my favorite guys and seeing how my husband’s example influences our son’s future is going to be one of my favorite parts of life, I just know it.

Fun New Traditions
I’m a huge fan of traditions and I believe that family relationships are built and strengthened because of the rituals and traditions that are established. My husband and I have always had fun traditions specific to our marriage, but there are a lot of ideas I have had that just didn’t make sense to do without kids or that were added to help keep our marriage strong after kids. We have future tradition ideas that revolve around holidays, family meal time, daily tasks and events unique to our family. Having traditions makes me more excited about daily life and gives me something to look forward to and work toward in the future.
It Motivates Me to Be Better
I’m constantly working to be a better wife, mother, student, employee and overall person because I know that what I’m doing is setting an example for how my son and other future children will live their life. Knowing that if I push forward when life gets hard, I will be able to relate to my kids and tell them that I’ve been there and I made it through during similar times in their own lives encourages me to keep going when I might otherwise quit. As our son gets older, I know that my actions, the words that I speak and the way that I choose to spend my time will be something that he is observing and learning from. I want to be the best me that I can be so that I can be a great mother, wife, example and advocate for my family. Motherhood has changed me in a big way and it is nothing like I ever dreamed it would be. I have never once regretted my decision to become a mom and embark on the journey of parenthood with my husband. It’s the hardest thing we’ve ever done but it’s also the greatest thing that we have done! Every day brings a new adventure and we’re constantly creating memories that I will treasure forever!

What perks do you find in parenting?